A Day in the Life
The living room. Changing bag,
nappies and spare baby clothes are strewn about the floor. Husband is plugged
into facebook. I am dozing under a blanket on the sofa. Baby has woken up in
his moses basket, covered in cold wee and protesting this loudly. Husband does
a nappy change as I gradually awaken, and hands me clean baby for 30 minutes of
vigorous nipple sucking.
Baby wakes needing changed and fed
again. Husband changes. I feed. Discuss whether it is worth dragging our sorry
carcases upstairs to sleep in a proper bed. If so, this will be the first time
we’ve made it that far in three days. Decide to sleep in bed. Carry baby and
moses basket upstairs and settle baby. Brush teeth and get into PJ’s. Husband
sleeps. I sit awake faffing with I-Phone. Finally sleep about 5.30
Baby wakes. Note visit from health visitor is due today.
This requires house work. Also, should make baby presentable. Take baby to
bathroom and dunk briefly into baby bath. Baby hates this. Much crying. Put
baby into fresh nappy and clothes and take back to bed for nip sucking and
cuddles. Settle baby to sleep. Shower and get dressed into proper clothes. Feel
hugely proud to have managed to do this every day this week. Restock stash of
nappy change stuff and clothes on bedside table. Take baby and moses basket
downstairs to face the day.
Put on washload as recommended by Flylady, my peppy American housework guru. Clear decks in living room, removing
dirty dishes, wine bottles and discarded socks. Tidy change bag in living room
and restock with nappy change stuff and spare clothes. Bring downstairs, blue
spiral notebook containing outline of terribly important lefty analysis of
something or other, which I optimistically hope to write up at some point in
the day. Eat cereal and drink cup of tea.
Baby wakes wanting changed and fed.
Baby vomits dramatically over mine and own clothes. Baby looks at me with
baleful eyes as I strip sopping babygrow from scrawny body. Put baby down and
rush upstairs to make self presentable before health visitor arrives. Clean
clothes perilously low. Settle on slightly soiled jeans belonging to husband.
Get downstairs dressed in clothes just in time for….
Health visitor. Dog barks from
kitchen. Unable to offer tea as would lead to:
- Possible escape and trouble making by dog
- Health visitor witnessing kitchen of filth, currently acting as repository for stuff that had to be moved out of living room to make it presentable for health visitors.
More feeding of baby. This time no
spewing. Result. Attempt to read book while breast feeding. Wonder whether I
should be using any of this time to talk to or bond with baby. Can’t think of
anything to say to baby. Continue to read book, while shifting baby awkwardly
in order to turn pages.
14.00: How is it 2? How did this happen?
Have been up and awake since 8.00 and yet almost nothing has been achieved.
Resign self to definitely not getting around to terribly important lefty analysis.
Carry baby to kitchen and settle in pram, which is stored by cupboard under
stairs. Wash dishes and shift rubbish covering worktops into bins. Think about
Text from friend. Do I want to come
out for a dog walk? Yes, yes and yes! Adult company, sunshine and exercise. Friend
comes around and I enlist her help to drag heavy pram down 4 flights of stairs
as am still not able to do this with caesarean wound. Wander around park in
brilliant sunshine, nattering with friend, stopping to pass the time of day
with acquaintances, watching dogs chase about. More nappy changing happens.
Also confident public breast feeding. Yay!!
Get back home. Prevail on husband to
help with pram up the stairs. Take washing out of drier. Cook and eat lentil
soup. Husband finishes cleaning kitchen, does some hovering and changes baby.
Another feed and settle baby to sleep.
Write fluffy blog post about looking
after babies. Fail to start earnest lefty analysis. Far too daunting this time
of night. Husband plugs himself into facebook. Arrange self on sofa with
blanket. Settle down for a doze before night feeds start. Make mental note of
things to do tomorrow: still need to register baby with GP, return library
books, write thank you cards for baby presents and so on and so forth. Top of
the list: terribly important lefty analysis of something or other
Rinse and repeat
Have you considered reading aloud to the baby? that way, you're reading what you want to read but the baby feels like it's part of it too? although from what I've seen, he's pretty happy with 'the nip please, hold the chat' for now :)